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        Hi everyone, I working on designing game UI now.  I finished with status and inventory, still has skill UI left.  For other UI like Menu and etc will design it later because they aren't involve much in game play.  I try to design UI look clean and simple as much as possible.  

        About game progress, most of the battle system is finished with 2 H scenes.  But I still thinking which game play system players more enjoy to play. 

        1.) Current system, player has to manage their stamina to attack/block/parry.  Each attack will spend 15-20% of stamina.  You can think as Dark Soul game without move/dodge.

        2.) Another version, player spend less stamina when attack and block.  But enemies will have higher HP, faster attack animation and encounter more enemies at the same time.  Enemies will have lower attack and stamina as well.  So player can stagger them more easier.  This will feel more Action than the 1st version . . . I think.

       Still not sure which version is better.  Maybe I will make both version and let's you test them.  Then make a poll for it.



Broderick Black

Did you ever get my post about the issues that I pointed out in tia's game?


Sorry, I rarely go to steam community. I working on it now and trying to make steam achievement as well. Will update on steam once it finished.

Broderick Black

I posted the details while back ago should still be able to view it