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      Hi everyone, looooong time no see.  Today I released my new game prototype, it's hardly to call it's demo anyway.  You can download it below and see how game play look like in video clip.  I try to make it similar to both Parade Buster and Phantom Knight but not too much for counter like Parade Buster.  No status balance, way to dead or H-scene because I don't code those part yet.  And this game still doesn't have name.

There are 2 enemy types : Spearman and Archer.  All they can do is normal attack.  Later enemy and bosses will have more mechanics.

You can earn SP by normal attack, guard and parry.  MP can auto restore by time.

I try to make this game can play with one hand if possible.  So you can use skill by shortcut or click at skill icon.  But no click to change weapon yet.  You can view how to control from notepad "README - Control" in game folder.

Download link :


Feel free to comment or suggestion here :D


MenZ_3rd gameclip01

New game project



Biggest issue for the moment is weapon swapping being broken, stuck somewhere between weapons, unable to use the currently selected one. As is, at least it runs under Wine. As far as potential gameplay comments, ditto on Somehow's 'could get boring pretty quickly". That being said, I'm not exactly someone who plays this style of game.


About weapon swap bug, maybe you mean the staff? The normal attack for staff isn't code yet. 'Could get boring pretty quickly', It's just start. So I hard to judge for now even myself. It's will be several short stage instead of one long stage. The game isn't that long similar to Atelier Tia I think.


I'm a huge fan of Parade Buster, so this gameplay looks pretty solid to me so far. Having spells and special attacks is another layer I really appreciate and is to be expected from the guy who made air juggling and iframes an integral part of his zako beat em up game. I do, however, wonder what the plan is for erotic content here. In PB, like all of excess M's games, it was passive. Cause his THING is older girls attacking smaller, younger guys. That, though, is not the complete experience. Part of the fun of the whole zako genre is domination, and since they're enemies, it's pretty deserved. What's the overall picture here?


Glad you like it. About H content, enemies are human and demon. You can H girl after your beat them. When they defeated and before they disappear, H button will appear and you can H them by click at it. You will get some bonus similar to VI and Atelier Tia after H and H will have cooldown as well. And demon girl can use H attack similar to Parade Buster. In boss fight when boss ran out off stamina, they will be stun and you can do some erotic to them (deal some damage and maybe debuff for short time). But this extra H in boss fight is just an idea, not confirmed yet.