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       Hi everyone, sorry for no update last month. Don't worry I still working. I working on last boss battle animation and nearly finish. But I want to keep and show her in game so I will not show how she look like.

       But still, I encounter an issue. If you played beta version, you will noticed that no story update since 2nd chapter. Story is my bad part. My writer is the one who did Atelier Tia's story. He is the one who contacted me and help me. I owe debt of thank to him. He seem lack of motivation since he graduated and get his job. He work very slow and now I can't contact him for 3-4 months now. I worry to change the writer so much and decided to wait. But now I have to admit and find new writer. I never find a writer myself so I don't know when I can find new one that match with Lost in Harem's story.

       I confident that I can finish the coding and animation myself even how slow I am but not for the story. I don't know how much game process will be delay but don't worry I still working. So in summary, I decided that I will stop all money support tier since next month until game finished. Will charge again in the last month for patrons who pledged lower than $15 to get the full game.


Unfinished Process

  • Story & dialogue

  • Final Boss

  • 5-6 H scenes depend on how story continue (4 for Vampire & Final boss, 1-2 for ending)

  • Challenge Stages


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