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Hi, sorry for long wait. This month I concentrate on gameplay and balance many things in this version. Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment especially about gameplay. Here the update of this version

< ADD >

  • Add 5th chapter : New 4 stages, 4 enemies

  • Add H animation for 4th chapter enemies : warrior, kungfu, demon assassin and twin oni

    --- H animation of new enemies use other girl animation as placeholder. ---

< Boss Fight >

Add parry defense to bosses, players have to parry boss twice to counter attack. But when boss get attacked by counter attack, boss will stagger same as normal enemies. This will open a chance to follow up with normal attacks or skills. Successful parry also reduce boss's stamina. I think this will add more challenge and make boss fight little different from normal enemies.

< Status Balance >

  • Endurance (EDR) : +1 stamina (+0.5 after EDR > 30), +1 PDEF, +0.35 PATK

  • WIT : + Mana Regen, +1 MDEF, +1 MATK

  • Reduce HP per LV up from +5 to +3

  • Stamina use for attack increase 25% but increase stamina regen speed

  • Increase damage dealt of greatsword normal attacks

  • Increase damage dealt of all skills

  • Energy Ball (wand skill) - change from holding left-mouse to use to press "A"

  • Mana Mastery (passive) - holding left-mouse to concentrate faster MP regen (+20% / 35% / 50%)

  • Lower EXP need to LV up for each LV and more EXP earn after cleared stage

< Enemies >

  • Enemies in each chapter increase extra ATK and HP to balance with player's new equipment

  • Kungfu girl can block attack


Isekai lost in Harem-V0.51.zip


kobe hunter

The gallery didn't update when I defeated the new girls. Or is that coming in the future?


OH! I forgot to update gallery . . . I uploaded V0.51, the gallery update to twin boss

승우 오

___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_mainmenu: DoAdd :: Execution Error at gml_Object_obj_mainmenu_Draw_0 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_mainmenu_Draw_0 (line -1)

승우 오

Do you know how to fix this error?


Um, not sure. I can't make it happen. When this error appear? New game or Load?

승우 오

When you press save and load, it comes out immediately and the game closes right away, just like in previous versions.


Sorry, can't make it happen. Do you save/load the old save file from some old version? Because it's the only thing I can think of. The error text only showed that error come from mainmenu in draw function but don't show why it's error.


Save files should be there C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Isekai_lost_in_Harem - savefile01 - savefile02 - savefile03

승우 오

Oh, the error disappears because I erase all the save files. I'm sorry that the save files disappeared, but thank you for answering each question


Yeah, the same error occurs for me after stage 5-3...


The game crashes after that stage and yeah, can't load the file. The error message is the exact same as the one above, not sure if this is a specific-to-us issue, but I am running a 40 series NVIDIA graphics card and a 12th gen Intel, if that helps.


Do you play new game or old save file? If old save, try replace savefile with this one : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hSQCwsg6R-aERm_94JFIHYGXaSkMJ1vT/view?usp=sharing


Older one, but thank you, I'll try that later, tell you if it works or not :)