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I’m so sorry I haven’t finished the voice coms yet! I have recorded 2 so far but I decided to record my vroid with it so it’s more lively! I’ll have them done and sent to you by the end of next week I very much promise!!!

I also can’t wait to show you my last big piece that I’m working on currently! I wish I could draw everything but now I’ve accepted I’ll need help from other artist if I want to continue. I can’t afford commissions just yet so I’m holding off until my birthday to come around again to make it official! I’ll start showing you sketches and the concept after new years! So you’ll be the first to know of it!

I’ll keep on drawing forever and I promise one wallpaper a month too! Just can’t do everythin ^^’ it’s getting too painful.

I’ll be rl doing baking stuffs and throne showcases on here coming forward! And of course voice acting practices!

Thank you for being here, you guys help me a whole bunch! You have no idea!! Thank you very very much! I hope you’ll still love me even if I was a worm

See all of you soon!!



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