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I wasn’t sure if I should share the story but might as well for you guys at least.

This is V, a form of Azul.

She was what I originally wanted to be but my mom religious tendencies made me scrap her so I now will add her to my story. Everything is the same despite the tattoos have changed form and colors. Horns were toned down as well.

Her outfit is also inspired by the gravity queen herself, she also wears a sombrero to hide her horns. She cusses but inspires to be a good role model. Cares for everyone, always worries about humans.

The goddess of rain, she can become a giant women using water.

Her eyes have rain clouds in them as the default.

Sad it starts to rain.

Angry shows Lightning

And happy shows abit of sunlight going through.

She’s the main antagonist in my story, she doesn’t want Azul to become a full fledged god again. It’s the nature she was made by despite her personal approvals.

She’s not necessarily evil or good. Neutral.

If I were to rebrand I would do it to her but keep the red and blue hints for Azul. And still keep my name as Azul as well




The design is great if you do rebrand this is a definite look to go for