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Calling for questions to the June episode of Behind The Scope! As a reminder, for patrons in the $3 tier or higher, you can ask us one question to answer in this month’s episode. Post your question below in the comments to this post or if you wish to remain anonymous, DM me here on Patreon. If your question's already been asked or we don't feel comfortable answering it, we'll reach out and see if we can come up with a different one.

As a reminder, we encourage you to avoid basic yes or no questions or those with answers readily available (like on my twitter bio). This is your space to ask us whatever you want, so we want to give you as engaging a discussion as possible! In addition to your questions, we'll also discuss any channel updates, future plans, and just catch up on recent news and such. Thank you so much for your continued support!

- Jack and Nies


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