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Hello everyone, first of all, thank you very much for all your support, it is impressive how much we have grown in a short time and thismotivates me to continue creating more mods.

First I want to confirm that I will try to bring all the Genshin Impact characters to Koikatsu, for this I continue with my plan of alternately porting a Genshin character and random character from anime, videogames, cartoons, etc. I do this to have a great variety of mods and also for giving me a break beacuse genshin characters are a little more complicated to port due they have several accessories that are part of their outfit and sometimes some strange problems appear.

That said, I create this post so that you can tell me which characters from other sagas you would like to see in Koikatsu, you can post it here in the comments. These "Random Mods" will be characters chosen by you or by me as is the case of the following mod that will be my first cartoon mod and I hope you like it :)



Keep up the great work! :D I don't have any special requests or anything, but just a question. Do you plan on working on any of the Genshin Impact male characters after or while you're working on the female ones?


A Evangeline (loli form) form Negima would be nice since no one has done it. As for totally random Rie from Agent aika https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=petoriyacowa_rie


Great to hear your patreon is doing so well.Your genshin cards are the best.As for what characters I would like ported.I have a long list.So instead I will just put my opinion that we need more males.I love females too.But we need someone to make more accurate male cards.I get that it is unpopular.But the males need some more love also.Can't wait to see the genshin males ported over.


I would like Sakurajima Mai or Klara from pokemon sword. Thank you for the awesome mods! <3


Thank you very much for your commente :D, With respect to the male characters I could try it although I feel that koikatsu is very limited in terms of male characters, if you had to choose a male character for koikatsu what would it be?


If I had to choose I would say Razor, so I can make some Amber x Razor content, but I'm thinking that one would be way too hard to port over because of his hair/hood. Maybe Venti would be a safer pick, and you could cheat and make him a female, because he is pretty androgynous. Whether or not you take the time to do it, I still appreciate all of your content :D


Thank you very much, and if you are right I have sometimes tried to find men's cards for koikatsu but their existence is scarce, I see that there are some people who ask for them, possibly I will try, which male character do you think is easy to bring the game?


Thanks to you to support!! :D and your requests have been noted for future mods ;)


Well I have quite a bit of male cards I want.But what do you mean by easy?Like preferable anime males over cartoon or video games male character?


I'm sorry I expressed myself wrong, What a male from genshin would be the simplest to start? Because I don't have much experience in male characters


Oh that makes more sense.The male I want the most from genshin would be venti.He is cute.He is pretty feminine so I think he would be easiest to do first.


It's true, that's why I added it to the polls since it has quite feminine features and he could be an excellent option to start with, thanks!! :)


You ever consider doing OCs?


I have some characters of my own like the girl in the picture, but I don't think people are very interested in it because they are not well-known character