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-Mini animations are on an indefinite pause! (This includes the polls!!)

-Patrons will NOT be charged from Feb 28th-Apr 28th

-You CANNOT subscribe to the patreon during Feb 28th-Apr 28th

-The current mini animation (Billie stuffing) will still be completed and uploaded here

-I will still be working on Lilith's Lair and uploading stuff here during the "pause"

More details on the what and the why:

Mini animations are going to be put on an indefinite pause, meaning that while I may bring them back some time later, I currently do not plan to make any more for a long while. The reason for this is same reason I switched from "shorts" to "minis" a while back, these things just take up too much of my time and I need to spend the majority of my working time on game development or these games will take way longer to complete than necessary.


While Kurger Combo patrons will still be credited in the games that I make, and will be voting in any democratic processes I have, I cannot guarantee that you guys will be seeing that benefit every month, so please take that into serious consideration if you're subbed primarily for the polls and/or seeing your name in the credits semi-regularly.

Patrons will not be charged from Feb 28th to Apr 28th, this essentially means that the next 2 months are going to be free. This is both to give people time to decide if the new trajectory of this patreon is for them, and also a way of me saying, "Sorry I changed my mind again!" It's important to note that during the freeze you cannot subscribe to the patreon, so be mindful of that.

I really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding on this stuff, I know artists tend to be kind of flaky lol. I hope to fill the void of mini animations with some really kick-ass game dev stuff, so stick around for that if that sounds interesting to you, and if you were only here for the animations and want to dip, no hard feelings and thank you for supporting me up to now!


Mr. H (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-20 02:56:18 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games
2024-02-19 23:14:56 Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games

Take all the time you need, lord kurgerso . Id rather have a good complete game than a rushed game. Im sure the end product will be fantastic, knowing your streak of cool ass games


Huh, was not expecting a 'freebee' month, so to speak, I shall await to see what comes during and after those months.


It will be very bad ass, so to speak >:) The freebee months gives me a little peace of mind about switching up on my promises tbh lol