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Hello everyone, hope the holidays were good for you! (if not then chin up, kid!)
I had a nice break myself and plenty of time to think about where I wanna take things this year.

I think the current format of Kurger Combo polls on the 10th of the month resulting in Mini Animations works pretty good and is not overly obtrusive to the game dev stuff, so for the time being (or at least while making Lilith's Lair) mini animations will be the norm.
This coming month (January 2024) I will be doing a proper Burger Kurger Short, the monthly Kurger Combo poll will only be on the kink that is featured in it, and I will write the story based around it's result.


The next game I'll be working on is Lilith's Lair!

Here's a post that describes the game

and here's a post that shows some gameplay footage

Development will start back up in February (so January I'll be focused entirely on the Kurger Short), so you can expect devlogs for that to start back up around that time. The plan is still to have it done by the end of 2024, and for it to be playable on an Internet browser.

There's still a few glitches I've been made aware of thanks to people filling out the feedback form, and I'm going to do my best to fix those when I can spare the time to do it (especially the ones that result in crashes). I really really appreciate everyone being so constructive in their criticism by the way, it's been super helpful.
I'm also working on getting the game put on Steam, should that pan out I plan to give Steam Keys to everyone here for it.
Regardless of it that works out, once the game is decently stable to my liking, it will be released to the public.

Big gigantic thanks to all of you for making 2023 great, here's to 2024 being even better!!



Happy New Year, and hope to see more Visca content eventually (both game and other formats)!


It's me, Base.


I'd definitely like to see where else I can take the concept, I feel like there's some untapped potential there