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Fully playable version of Visca's Earth Conquest is READY TO PLAY!
Gamepad is supported (and personally recommended) and controls are fully rebindable so make sure to get it where you're comfortable. Should take roughly 30 mins to an hour to reach the credits, depending on how fast you go. Feedback form is accessible through the title screen of the game but I'll link it here as well just in case: FEEDBACK FORM

While I do plan to leave VEC as it is for now and getting back to Lilith's Lair, I do want to make sure to patch any glitches (especially before it goes fully public). I also want to be aware of whatever aspects of the game's design were enjoyable or not, if the game PISSED YOU OFF or MADE YOU CUM feel free to use that feedback form to tell me why. All that data is useful to me and is totally anonymous so don't worry about hurting my feelings >:)

This was an invaluable learning experience for sure, I'm super fucking grateful to have the support to have been able to make something like this (I'll keep saying that til I die cuz it's true lmao)
This game literally would not exist right now if not for you guys, so please do take pride in your part in making this game become a reality. Even if you HATE IT LOL

I'm going to rest a wee bit for now, but I will be back soon with this month's animation poll and also to catch people up to speed on my plans going forward now that VEC is essentially off my plate.

Have fun conquering Earth!

Version 1.1 is ready to download! This version fixes various game-breaking bugs, especially around the ending zone. View the patch notes
HERE. Thank you all BIG TIME for your valuable feedback, I'm still going to be keeping an eye on it in case more issues arise :D


Version 1.1.2 is ready to download! This is a tiny hotfix that fixes an issue with the failsafe that would cause a different crash (don't worry guys, fatal error messages being different is a good thing!)
I appreciate people being on top of reporting this thing and being patient with my dumb ass lmao.


This took me waaaay too long to do, but here is the newest version of the game, identical to the Steam version (aside from lacking Steam achievements, of course).
Lots of minor tweaks to make the game better, as well as fixing a glitch caused during control rebinding.


Viscas Earth Conquest ver 1

The game is out and ready to play! yAy!





how to get all the outfits and the game crashes when you beat the EDF robot


You'll get hints after beating the game for the first time. Did the crash throw an error message?


i get this ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object oCreditsController: date_valid_datetime argument 1 incorrect type (string) expecting a Number (YYGI32) at gml_Object_oCreditsController_Create_0 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_oCreditsController_Create_0 (line -1)

Pyth Twitchytail

So, getting into the sand castle I get... but I get too big to get out. Is there something I'm missing here?


Nah being too big to leave is an oversight on my part, though there is something you need to do in the sandcastle to unlock an outfit!

Pyth Twitchytail

Cuuuute! Also, had the mecha spawn in on the far-right side and he was stuck trying to walk on screen. I was able to just wail on him without him able to fight back at all.

Pyth Twitchytail

It was his initial spawn in Just now had a full on crash with no error message, was transitioning from beach to suburb while in the 4th outfit on the tank stage of growth riiiight about to hit the final stage.

Pyth Twitchytail

Super adorable, very funny, and very solid gameplay. I was hooked for a few hours there and I want to continue! I love the attention to detail of the police calls being different based on your outfit, as well as all the expressions Visca has. Not sure if this is a bug or as intended, but sometimes when I use an energy blast fully charged, it vanishes after a short distance. Now... just gotta find that last outfit.


Its kiiind of intended? Though i think its caused by intersecting the boundary of the view early and triggering the "culling" too early, making it vanish too early. Thank ya!! 🙏


I've played it 9+ times already, my favorite skin is the mousey :D REALLY good and also VERY happy for you that it's finally out, you should be very very proud and satisfied and happy and niceness!!!!

Wispy Bird

Game is super fun right now, very fun game loop, a good time from the writing to the art, feel proud!! Just got the ERROR in action number 1 crash, and unsure how to finish the game after getting to that point - should I wait for the patch, or is there a quick fix/something I'm missing?

Pyth Twitchytail

She.. wasn't kidding about permanently disabling my consumables was she?


Decent game, definitely a lot harder than the other version I played. I've beaten the robot twice but the game has crashed both times. (hard crash, no error) Other than that, super polished, lots of charm, didn't really get a whole lot out of it fetish wise myself but the gameplay is engaging enough to hold my interest through to the end.

Lottie SquidHugs

this was pretty fun!! trying for all the outfits now :)


Ah it depends what the error message is. If you've send it through the form I will do my best to get to it and patch it very soon!! Sorry :(

Wispy Bird

It’s no worry, you got this far, I can wait a little longer! (I think it was one that was a comment was made on earlier)


Thanks! Yeah it's not super fetishy for sure. It not having an error message makes figuring out that crash tricky, you're not the only one getting it though. It seems to be around the same point every time, though. I have a feeling maybe it's something to do with memory being mishandled in some way (that's usually how sudden unexplained crashes happen).


i meant to mention it in the feedback form but that last outfit is really something else. it feels incredibly out of place but not in a way i dislike, if anything i respect the dedication to it. very cute game. i enjoyed it a lot. looking forward to what you make next.


It is intended to be kind of jarring lmao, hopefully it's at least interesting. Visca as a whole is a bit of a weird game as far as identity goes, I wanted to try and find that nice balance between being sexy but also being like, an actual game. Still a learning process for sure, Lilith's Lair is gonna lean harder in the direction towards "sexy" than "game". Thanks for playing!


i figured it was yeah lol. i did a whole run with it on and thought it was pretty neat. i love when games aren't too self serious and have fun with themselves with stuff like that. i wish you luck on finding a balance between sexiness and proper game design lol. i'm honestly just interested in any future projects you want to do. while visca wasn't super sexy, i can still enjoy a good game with cute girls tbh. it's cool. that being said, lilith's lair looks cool from that preview you showed a while back, looking forward to it. 👍

Alex Kay

Where best can we report crashes? Had a CTD after destroying the big EDF robot.

Alex Kay

Also version 1.1 still has the infinite blocking crab glitch I'm afraid to say.


Great game! happy it got finished as I've been looking forward to playing the finished thing since you first teased us with a build and dev logs ! Dunno if you can help, but I had this error code after beating the EDF bot, seems like it failed to load an animation cutscene kinda thing? ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object oCreditsController: unable to convert string "" to number at gml_Object_oCreditsController_Create_0 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_oCreditsController_Create_0 (line -1) Yeah, it spat this out at me, I dunno what it means tho.


Very nice game, could I ask though for a few hints on how one may unlock the other outfits?


Seems as though you're getting the same glitch as others, this next patch should hopefully fix that once and for all, god willing lmao


The Boss will start giving you hints when you exit the wardrobe after beating the game, if you weren't able to reach the game because of a crash you should be able to reach it now in version 1.1.2!


this last outfit got me replaying over and over, still can't find it (i know where im supposed to be looking, dont wanna spoil it tho)

Pyth Twitchytail

FINALLY found the final outfit. So glad I found that one on my own. I love all the changes that come with it


I guess I will watch "Sleepless In Seattle" now




Please tell me how we get it? All I succeeded in doing was disabling my consumables permanently. I've been through that area multiple times and I can't find anything new

Pyth Twitchytail

You're looking in the right place. You're even just about to the point where you can get it. To not spoil the fun, try to do something the game doesn't want you to do.


Are there any other hints you can give? I've tried everything I can think of in that area and still nothing

Pyth Twitchytail

Wish I could private message rather than being vague. Let's see. There are many doors that open, but only one that closes


Okay wow I would've never actually guessed that what you had to do, I unlocked the last skin and I gotta say that was the perfect mix of helpful and vague.

Alex Kay

I was intrigued by this description but upon unlocking it, yeah it's pretty apt a description haha. Very spoopy.


Stupendous game, I initially came for the... appeal your work usually has, but I generally enjoyed the gameplay and the little bit of story boss has to tell us (even the romance story). A nice quick little game, is what I would say if I didn't spend like 5 hours trying to get the outfits but that's on me, I'm dumb, even with the post game hints. Awesome game, keep enjoying yourself!


That last outfit.. I can only say one thing: Nothing is true, everything is permitted.