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Someone has had too much to drink and is unsteady on her own feet! Maybe flying would be easier?

A real short animation that I thought would be nice to crank out real quick to usher in OCTOBER



(No title)


It's Belle

I'm enjoying so FUCKING MUCH

The Shark Cage

agnes's bat form is so dang cute i swear


That's a DEEP burp for such a little bat, goodness.

Steve Buscemi

Hmm is there a way to view it without getting sent to a blank Vimeo page?

Florence Erlenmeyer

ooough, that bat is just way to grabbable, not a single pure thought about that;;;;;;;;;


Finally, big jiggly bat Agnes


I can't watch it, did it get removed?


I get the "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" page when clicking on it


It might be an issue with Vimeo's domain restriction. If other videos on my page play without issues let me know, if all my videos are having an issue playing for you then you might have to try a different browser


It's still here, try watching a different video on my page, if all of them are having trouble playing then it's likely something on your browser's end due to vimeo's embed restrictions, lemme know if switching browsers helps


That's unfortunate, you're not the only one that has run into this issue! Try and see if you can watch the other videos on my page, if you can then definitely let me know because that's a problem on my end. If none of the videos on my page are working for you then you might want to try and see if a different browser works


Glad ya like it! A bit concerning that mobile browsers seem to have issues with Vimeo embeds though...


Ah yes, a finally rotund Agnes, becoming a bat orb, or Borb™ if you will. Wonderful work as usually Sir Kurger.


It's fine, it's something out of your control. I went back and tried the other ones and they don't work either. Pretty sure they changed something, so I'll just have to make do with looking on PC.


Does Agnes just go out and chug down kegs?

sad hammerhead

I sold my liver to join but I can barely feel the pain while watching these soothing videos


Bat Agnes, Bagnes?


Yeah all the videos in this collection aren't working for me how do I change the browser.


I'm on mobile by the way so I don't know how to fix this.


Are you using an Android? From what I can tell everyone having issues watching the videos are on mobile, however it seems like it works on iPhone. It seems like there's very scarce information on this issue but I'll try and see if I can resolve it. In the meantime maybe try using the Patreon app? I know downloading an app sucks though lmao


Also, Safari on mobile works for me, so maybe you could also try downloading that browser if that's not the one you use and see if that fixes it for now?


Thank you for all these methods I'm really sorry if I was bothering you. I just saw your work and thought it's was neat so I want to enjoy more of it. Thanks again.


No don't be sorry at all! It's good to be vocal when you're facing these issues, especially so that other users facing the same issue know that it's not just them, it's how stuff gets fixed! I put in a trouble ticket with Patreon so hopefully it can get resolved soon. Thank you for being patient and understanding :D