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Development has been going steady these last few days.  So far, Yukako's level 4 progression event, and her training events and scenes have all of their images made.  Next, is Yukako's level 4 escape event, and the sex scene with Misaki for reaching Telind's max initial compliance.  It shouldn't take too long to make those scenes, and once those scenes have images for them, I can start adding in that content to the game.  I'll likely be done with making images, and able to start adding in V0.1.7's content within 2-3 days, depending on how much time I have to work on it.

That's it for this week's development update.  In addition to next week being the public release for V0.1.6, next week's update will have previews of some of V0.1.7's content in-game.



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