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Development has progressed very well this last week. Hikair's initial corruption event, her level 1 training content, her level 1 prison game, Ayumi's bedroom wakeup sex scene, and a random sex scene between Rina and Ayumi are complete. I currently have one of the two new animated scenes in the game, and I'll finish putting in the other one later today. Once that is done, I'll start working on the nobility content, and a cutscene or two with the elven princess and the two new characters this week.

I am also experimenting with different methods to better see specific random sex scenes, or to at least increase the chances of seeing scenes involving a specific character. Since there will be several scenes between the girls by the end of development, it would be better for me to add in a method to see more specific scenes now, rather than have people spend an hour or more trying to see one specific scene through RNG later in development.

That's all I have for this week's development update. By next week, I should have the vast majority of V0.2.7's content in the game.



A. H. W.

It might be easier to just drop the random nature of the scenes in general, and just have them all play once with the option to see them again in the recollection chamber later.


not gonna lie i like the random nature of scenes in a game but when it starts becoming a pull on the games play or the size of the file then its not worth it. plus the algorithm normally used i and others im sure get the event almost every time we enter a location where one is placed to trigger.