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Since no major bugs have been reported since the release of V0.2.6, I can move on to developing V0.2.7. This next update will focus on starting Hikari's content, and the nobility content that will go with her route. V0.2.7 will also be the start of setting up certain things for the elven kingdom. This will include introducing some of the remaining characters to be corrupted.

The first thing I will begin working on, is creating the model for one of the characters to be introduced in the next update, and updating another model of a character that will be introduced. Once those character's models are complete, I'll start making the images for Hikari's initial corruption event, and once those are done images for her level 1 content.

Most of you likely know that Ayumi will be heavily involved in Hikair's route. For those that have not seen those posts about Hikair's route, her route will have the option for you to determine how Hikari and Ayumi's relationship develops. You can either mend their differences, and have them get along as they serve you, or you can drive them to be competitive and with each other, and have them fight to gain your attention and approval as they try to prove that one of them is the better slave than the other.

For the elves, I have a somewhat different type of corruption route in mind for one of the them, but the exact details of that will be saved for the future, and the character that route will be for hasn't been decided yet. Since there isn't any major story reason to have this route for a specific character, I'll likely leave it up to a poll to decide which character gets this route. I'll post that poll either tonight or tomorrow once I work out a few more details on how that route would go. Like I said though, this next update will only have the foundations for that elf content, so you will see the setup for this special route over the course of the next few updates.

In addition to additional flavor content, this is what I have planned so far. On Tuesday's development update, I'll have previews of the new characters, and likely Hikari's initial corruption event images.


A. H. W.

Do you have an idea on what the total number of people you can corrupt will be in the finished game?


I have a good idea about the total number by the end of development. Most planned characters have already been introduced, and I want to get the remaining planned characters introduced with a model by the beginning of the elven training content. You can expect an exact number around then.