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Hi all!

Today, we’d like to give you an update on our plans regarding game updates.

We’ve decided to stop making overly large updates that require you to wait a long time between releases.

Consequently, we’ll be aiming to release new updates to the game within the first 10 days of every month. Since new versions will be coming out more frequently, there will be a bit less content in each update than previously, but this will allow you to follow the game’s development more closely and be more involved in the development process. (We really count on your feedback a lot!)

Now, let’s talk about the pros of this new release system:

  • Updates every month instead of every 2-3 months.

  • The plot will develop more quickly.

  • We’ll be able to make content ahead of time.

  • Each update will add approximately 10,000 words of content to the game.

  • We’ll be able to spend more time on revisions and adding big scenes without worrying about missing a deadline.


  • There may be voice-acting delays. It’s possible that the initial release of each version, the one only available to $10+ supporters, will not have any new voice lines in it, and that the new voice lines will instead appear a week later in the $5+ release.

  • Each monthly update will contain comparatively less content than the current bimonthly/trimonthly updates.

As regards the version we’re currently working on, 0.3, we’re planning to release it sometime between May 1st and May 10th in the normal staggered-release format (i.e., it will initially be released to $10+ supporters, then $5+ supporters a week later, and then to everyone after that).




Only problem I have is that meat costs $50, not even including veggies and spices. Now when you complete errands you only get around $21 Wich means instead of making money, your constantly losing money in the game


Also I noticed when you sell your cooked goods you actually don't receive any money