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Okay took a bit before getting moving but here's the January poll!  Top 3 win, closes Saturday 1/29 @ 6p MT


Andrew Potter

Didn't Red XIII already win a poll a couple years ago? I thought previous winners were ineligible.


I noted in the submission form that the current time ban is for '2021-current' (mainly 'cuz there's a big difference in locking out 12 characters a year vs ~30)

Andrew Potter

Gotcha. I'm actually intrigued to see how you'd choose to revisit past subjects.


Hello artist! Just a question for future poll entries: would you accept species entries (ex. Charr from Guild Wars 2, Gnolls from DnD / Pathfinder. or ), as they have multiple possible designs. Additionally, are yordles (ie. Vex or Tristana) OK entries?


Sooo, it is a case where I've silently been like 'please pick a specific character' for years but never said anything since the polls started, and I actually initially planned to mention it in the updated rules but legit forgot. People do it all the time but it does create a huge amount of trouble on my end 'cuz suddenly I have an incredible amount of guesswork and uncertain decision-making mostly because I only have familiarity with about 30% of what ends up on the polls (example; I just -happen to know- via past comms that female Charr I guess don't have boobs?) It usually means I have to spend additional hours not even drawing but just gathering information to work on it since there are people who've told me I've done things wrong even after the fact. As for Yordles, now that I've taken a bit to look around at 'em, I caaan't say I'd be comfortable with 'em.


I didn’t think anyone else would want Gex so I’m pleasantly surprised he almost made the cut


the polls quite often result in different ways than expected in my experience over time