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Form closed a bit ago, thanks for participation!

The pace picked up a lot faster with time compared to being really slow at first and with everything accounted for, I have around 70 forms to evaluate, woop
I'll be sorting and decision making tomorrow and start contacting the first two or three on Sunday. It'll be essentially like the August period, so I'll pick a few and work on them and then pick a few more after those are largely done, etc.

The one other thing is I *am* trying to practice better work/health behavior and I'm going to primarily keep work to Mon-Fri (other than catch-up scenarios and quick matters) and actually aim to take weekends off unlike the last 4-5 years so lol. My hope is that with everything else in the bg, I can aim to get around 3 done every two weeks through March but as always goes, we'll see what really happens.


Form for new entries that aren't from the carryover of the last two, should stay open for ~9 hours, 'til 12a MT
If there's anything funky let me know, my brain decided to choose rebellion and so I'm on zero sleep so far today weh (not for lack of trying).

Some content guidelines and such have been updated for the new year so make sure you give everything a proper look thru!


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