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I originally intended to be better prepared with different stuff but busy-as-always so I found stuff buried in my folders easier to make quick examples out of

Following up on a few days ago, as I was saying, the situation is that going into the next year (#5 for Patreon, dang), I can't realistically maintain the healthiest pace by doing painted/renders on everything, as sort of unintentionally really ended up happening as is my tendency.  It doesn't really show in watching timelapses or such 'cuz thanks to the grace of CSP's recordings trimming out all moments that aren't progressive action on the canvas, everything flows smooth but in reality it misses the sheer amount of back and forth cross-checking and problem-solving's real scope, not counting everything that goes into starting the plans (which is also why I don't really record sketch/thumbnail phase 'cuz it's just a lot of messes).

Especially 'cuz if you plan to render something to more detail, the amount of freedom you get to skew away from source elements gets crunched progressively smaller and smaller.  All in all, it's a very mentally tasking process that I can't do on constant repeat for strings of up to 10-15 hours each at a time, and as you probably are aware, also causes limitations and significant trade-offs on time vs variety (and each complication explodes at scale with the demands of said sources such as designs that weren't made to be rapidly drawn repeatedly like many more realistic 3D-rooted designs in the first place)

In a sense, the poll pics basically developed into commissions by another name with little functional distinction, which in a vacuum isn't necessarily bad, but...

Ultimately, not counting the demands of future projects going on, I found that I need to establish an option where I can still create things while maintaining the flow that most exists in the early phases while also preserving the energy I need for rendering for more detailed commissions and major work, so the solution I came to is colored sketches (for however flexible and subjective that term is) as a replacement to the fully rendered poll pics starting in January, and as an addition to commissions that I will likely balance out as a more regular choice with a few fully detailed comms in each given mix.

A bit later this month, I plan to have purely colored sketch comms in part just to feel out how it effects the flow of things before integrating them into the normal rounds. Though also just for this month only (when we get to that point), I'd like to add only one slightly selfish stipulation to include any of my OCs in the mix this time.

In any case, for the most part that explains what's going on and what's coming in the near future; obviously questions are welcome, especially since I probably didn't cover everything but it's all I could think of atm.



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