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Sketches of Saphira!  I had to restart on the pic 'cuz the initial pose idea wasn't working out; ah well



Azon Corazanna

Will there be a non-cloaca version, with separate holes?


No, too little time with both the rendering I have to put into it, plus everything else that's gotta be put in motion before the month's end since I'm kind of in catch-up mode I'm kind of at a general stylistic/procedural point where I have to make a choice between level-of-detail vs alts relative to my available time.


Can you please do it with non-cloaca? With regular vagina? I've been looking forward to this art for so very long and since it's in sketch stage I assume it's easier to decide on which course the art takes now, right? I think most people want to see her like that too since it's the vertical slit is the type of vagina most people go with for dragons.


If it's too much work to do both slit and cloaca versions, maybe do a quick poll to see what most people want to go for? In case it might help you decide which type of genitalia to aim for.


I think alts would be more appreciated compared to more details, since details have diminishing returns past a point but alt versions open your art to a wider appeal. Though maybe you can host a poll to gauge the general opinion of your fans if you feel like this is something you'd like to consider?


Sorry, I'll consider additional polls for a future case; I already had things done and recorded up to the flats stage a few hours ago since there's a stack of pics dependent on finishing this one first