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Soooo because of course there's always gotta be a hiccup somewhere, I was hoping that by the end of today I could have Saphira done and posted, but the compounding events of the last week+ means I'm spending tonight fixing errors across a $700 supply order before I drive out of town in the morning, and more realistic-based character types take a much much longer time to draw the way I want, so it's 90% likely gonna be something that'll I'll have to finish, post and complete the archives/timelapses/store updates next week when I return, probably Monday *knock on wood*.  And then we're gonna have to lightspeed into the September polls right after.

Apologies and thanks in advance for your patience


cheetahs (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-23 10:08:23 Thanks for the update I can't wait to see Saphira <3
2021-09-16 18:51:17 Thanks for the update I can't wait to see Saphira <3

Thanks for the update I can't wait to see Saphira <3