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It has been a funky and not the greatest few weeks on the home front and uh, to make the long story super short, that particular family member that's been around ain't really gonna be allowed to visit again but yay normality has returned to the home space!

Also on that note I'll be setting up this month's poll tomorrow.  

In general this month I gotta start returning to normal workstuffs tho' so it might be a while before I end up finishing the other three refs I intended or other personal arts, we'll see how the juggle goes. For one thing though I'll be generally planning to just go through the voted pics one at a time instead of bouncing around which I've kinda half started doing the last couple times, same-ish for eventual comm plans but that's for later.


Incognito Anonymous

Ah. Sorry things escalated with the family member, though I guess not having to deal with their visiting in the future could be seen as a plus! And I think I like the idea of focusing on one project at a time, both for coms and voted pics. It'll help knowing what to expect with updates. And on that note, thanks for the update~