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Well it's been a doozy of a time going into '21, I've kinda just only been able to vaguely point at background goings-on but now I can *kinda* ('cuz it mostly relates to my public end of work that's kept separate from this side of the 'net) abridge an explanation 'cuz it does have its impact here:

Some of you here that know me better've known I technically work under two illustration companies: my own, and my far-more-experienced business partner's, and the latter is where I've actually been involved with work that's published and on store shelves, etc.  Well the super-hyper-tl;dr is that 2021 started with a rocket-fist from left field of life flippage for my friend and he's pretty much in debt and we had to sell our office space over the last two months, so we're both working from our own homes completely now (I typically spent some weekday afternoons/evenings there) and had to pretty seriously tweak our 2021 projects.  So there's that side.

Over here, in semi-related fashion especially the last half of Feb and probably the next two weeks if I can swing it have been 'putting-out-fires' juggling time.  I'm finally like, done with 2/4 broader priority projects that've been lingering/drawn out over the last while and maybe the other two can be finally crushed soon and do wonders for mental health before it turns into a crisis there, lol.

In the meantime as you can kinda tell from the last month's pace that I've been usually able to hit things at about one or two steps of a comm/etc per day and will probably continue pace which leaves things still actually largely on schedule as anticipated.  I'm trying to wipe out anything that's basically one-day's work away this week in particular and making it a faster cycle for everything else though it's been hella taxing on the brain, but also relieving seeing the checklist of multiple projects shrinking consistently.

Context on that one: It's been a juggle of Comms + Patreon + two longer sets of art-projects + one set of comic work + one set of book work + *checks* 20 different bits of video work to edit for other matters (postponing that to April) + one thing I've just altogether suspended 'cuz I could feel my mind starting to crack at that point.  

I joke that this is probably giving me gray hairs extra fast now that they're starting to get pretty visible but I've also been counting them since I was 22 and blamed that on working with kids back then, and I've also got quarantine hair, so lol.

Anyways, that's a much more clear description of what's all goin' on!

Back to the desk!


Incognito Anonymous

I dunno how you manage so many different projects at the same time. It's like you have three different jobs. o.O