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Seems like it's all the more prudent to give an idea of the outlook and rough planning ahead with some regularity

As of the last few days I've been steadily working my way through rough sketches for commissions and steadily having them approved for refining (I seem to have started splitting the sketch stage into two parts nowadays, lol); since I have 9 of them on the plate this time compared to usual, in part to cover matters for both Jan and part of Feb, but there's a better balance between type and complexity instead of universally all more tricky like last, so it won't be the one-odd ~3 month time period like it was last time.  Should stay within 4-6 weeks pending crazy irl things happening.

Though on that specific last point:  I'm nervously anticipating the last bits of some unfortunate fallout from some irl goings on that kicked in at the turn of the year to start showing themselves at some point in this month unless proceedings go longer than expected.  It's not 100% associated to me but it's something that'll definitely impact some manner of workflow on the professional half of life for the near future, though it shouldn't feedback too much onto things here  *knock on wood*. I'm just waiting on final news but I anticipate I'll probably be sporadically absent for a few days at some point, dunno yet.

That all aside, I should have at least half the roughs out in the wild by the next day or two, then I'm gonna make a quick juggle to at least line and flat the January Patreon stuff, then take care of the remaining roughs, then juggle again to finish those pics by week's end (ideally).  I'll be mostly going through a full cycle of lining all the comms and then flatting them all, and then by around that point I'll get the February polls running (if things stay above $400 by the 5th, then we'll be doing our first full render Top 2s), which I'll be juggling alongside rendering, which may take into early March but as I say ten billion times, we'll see what happens.

Since I didn't manage to do a dead week though last month like I intended, I'll be having to triple juggle the other bits of remaining work from the other end of things but I'll be spreading it throughout short of getting new deadlines tossed my way, woop. Last month's surprise call literally blew up the year's plans and put everything in different places so haaaa.


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