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I big-fucked up and somehow didn't update the pricing in the form itself to reflect 2021 changes, despite updating the information everywhere else so I'm owning that one and we're going to ignore that and so old prices apply this time.


Well I did a great job of changing but not turning on my alarm and overslept, woop

Form Link 

The form is open until for at least 6 hrs, to around 10:30 MT  or later depending on volume.  After closing, I'll be taking time to review and decide on the forms and contact people over the course of the next day and in general should be starting the first batch by Tuesday or Wednesday

I can't say for sure how many I'll be picking, but it'll probably float around six as usual, and as per normal policy it's not a first-come, first-serve system, rather that I pick based on the kinds of entries and balance it among different kinds of users (Patrons/Past Commissioners/New Commissioners). I don't go for any specific preferences, but I also tend to try not to repeat things of the immediate previous opening period just to keep variety, barring some circumstances.

Turnaround time is expected to be around 3-6 weeks, hopefully last time'll be more of an anomaly with all its hiccups and slowdowns, though early/mid Feb might prove to have a few irl roadbumps from some ongoing things.


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