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Just letting you guys know that the archives've been updated here and there; besides getting the proper July one set up with Mizutsune now done,  I remembered I did still have some WIP materials for the BWGreymon pic and dropped those in (the main post for that one's also updated) and for simplicity if you haven't used it yet, the Bowser Day archives have their own spot in the archive folders too!

I'll get the submissions and poll for this month started in a few days!



So do I need to redownload the archive then and where?


With rare exceptions, everything for you will still be easily downloadable on the individual posts; the archive system is just for easily gathering everything associated with a month in one go. In either situation, the archives are always accessible on the "My Membership" tab and the "Archive" tag that I have set to always be visible near the top of the page. https://www.patreon.com/nawka?filters[tag]=Archive