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As I've kinda mentioned prior and a few people definitely know, I've been tied down to a client project since basically the year's start, but I finally sent off the last pages of work minus a few panels I need extra reference provided for, but they'll be easy enough to address in a flash when that happens.

So with that exception noted, I'm finally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to return to a mostly familiar and normal schedule again for the first time in like 7 months! I'll be focusing on getting this month's Patreon pic done this week, and something else I wanna knock out early into the first week of August that I'm reasonably certain people'll like, but also besides that, I need to cover some additional expenses that rolled in plus insurance by the end of the month, so probably mid-late this coming week I need to add like 2 commissions.

Ideally I'll have the next proper comm pool happen after that's all done and resolved. In the meantime, hope y'all are doing well amidst the uh... resurgence of crazy stuff


Incognito Anonymous

Freedom is always nice to achieve. Glad to hear your workload is simmering down for ya.