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Hey guys, your ears all ringing? Mine sure are, I swear there's been more fireworks going off than ever before that I can remember and pretty damn sure half of 'em illegal.  Can't see the mountains through the smokescreen that's developed anymore.

Anyways; besides that, hope you're all doing well and staying safe especially stateside with the virus winding back up.

I'm still a bit tied up with work but slowly climbing out of the hole of letting-things-build-up-for-like-a-year that's basically forced me into slowdown on everything else these last couple months.  That and last weekend (and still a bit to go) I started the process of moving offices.

Especially since the buffer from the business loan and taxes I've been floating on while I try and address all this other mass of stuff in the background is winding down, I'll be largely returning to the more normal schedule of mostly comms and such for sure starting in August.

I *think* the next poll will go up this coming Friday since it should make things line up to do the monthly pic during a pocket of time I was recently informed about that I should be able to work without much distractions from other people later this month.

Though seriously, if there's a lesson I can impart especially as an artist, *especially moreso* if you're running a business is be careful how much you let small things pile up; I spent the better part of the previous year laser-focused on comms and such to be my main output and kept nudging the small things aside but now I've got around 50-60 half-to-full day things that absolutely gotta be dealt with before they get any further out of hand woops. The funny thing is if I actually balanced attention better in that time I might actually've been in a significantly better position to be broadly more productive now but I guess 'ya learn the hard way.



Happy terrify-your-pets-day!


That too. If my cat was still alive, she'd've never come out from behind places for a few days