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A very regular, near daily quote I suddenly remembered from my Computer Science professor a good long (goddamn) time ago.

Joking aside, in light of anticipating a quiet week or so, do any of you happen to have questions or such you wanna ask me? Whether it be a second opinion or perspective or even looking for art (or related) advice?

Outside of illustration, my degree is in graphic design/printing and I've got variable amount of growing experience in comic/IP dev, a sprinkle of past game dev and even on the wayside a lot of time studying music (piano more specifically).

Just sayin', if you've got a relevant creative question or ponderance or stuck trying to figure something out, I'm totally open to trying to offer a bit of help within reason. Figure I can still offer a bit of some manner of dialogue while attending other matters over the next while. Depending on things it might be more a simple comment or two, or if warranting more depth, a proper post.


Overgrown Lizard

Hey nawka, I already ask you a lot of questions but I have some more. You said you have experience with comics, do you ever plan on doing a smaller scale NSFW comic? Do you ever plan to do a live stream of your patreon work? What does your computer set up look like?


1 - While I've definitely considered it, the answer for a while will likely be no, until combined passive income from Patreon and the like can take over about half my monthly bills for sure, which is quite a journey away. The one big problem for comics is the time cost usually thrashes the financial cost by a fair magnitude (~9 months of comics last year paid in actuality 2.5 months of bills, lots of juggling to fill the gap), so otherwise I'd have to trade away time on all the other art and sometimes spare time I have that's not already client/commission-attached. In the future, possibly, just might be a bit away or if I find a rare and good opportunity.