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Hey guys, just tossing in a short update for some stuff I've been poking at (and still working on at the time of posting)!

  • #1: I'm gradually building a mirror of sorts with Subscribestar mainly just to serve as a backup for those instances Patreon decides to like one thing or another at a given moment, and just for general future-proofing.  Same tier system and ultimately same content besides when Patreon wants its own way on specific bases. That and also I know some people prefer one over the other, sometimes slightly, sometimes strongly and hopefully this way there's also an option for either!

    That's also why the next part of the update is happening:

  • #2: I'm working at shuffling the archives into Dropbox as a host so that I don't have to double-up on heavy uploads and everything is easily accessible through basically the same links over time, that way I can just post a reminder link when monthly updates happen and just a couple master posts accessible from the profile or tags with the appropriate links per-tier!  

    Also slightly shuffling and re-zipping some of the older archives since I kind of developed slightly new methodologies and systems with them as the first two years in particular passed. Probably a good time to mention that if you haven't used it before, 7Zip is an excellent and frankly more up to date (And FREE) archive tool compared to WinRAR, and might actually be more needed to open the archives since it lets me actually compress things to a smaller size so it's more efficient throwing them around. 


It'll probably take another few days or so before the new archive system and S.S. are all fully in place but I believe it should make things a lot easier for everyone to access earlier stuff without having to do as heavy a dive since there's uh... a lot of posts here as you can see... Part of it is that my upload speeds seemed to tank for about a week *though they seem to be recovering* so throwing files up into the webspace was about 10-20x slower for a while.

Of course if you have any opinions and thoughts you are as always free to voice 'em at any time!


Adleisio Cefnfor

So let me make sure I am understanding this correctly, are you going to create a master link for a file that contains all the relevant stuff to that tier, or is each post now going to link to a specific file. Like with your most recent sketch will just be a link directly to that file or will it just point to the master folder?


Nah this basically just replaces and simplifies the way the monthly archives work, not each individual post.

Adleisio Cefnfor

Okay, I was kind of thinking doing it for every post would be insanely time consuming to generate those links.


Yeeeah no I don't wanna have the sudden headache of a thousand links breaking rofl

Magitechnician (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 04:39:25 SubscribeStar alt seems wise >.>
2020-04-20 02:54:22 SubscribeStar alt seems wise >.>

SubscribeStar alt seems wise >.>


Yea on principle I usually maintain multiple locations of most categories so any one flop, temporary or permanent isn't going to cause me a personal apocalypse