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'Ey guys, Happy New Year, hope these last couple days/weeks've been good to 'ya.  Been lots of sporadic family stuff going on so it's been a weird pace, lol.

Just wanted to give y'all a quick idea of some plans:

  • Gonna wait to have both the most recent comm and Loona pics both to be done before I put them in the monthly archive so that whole year's batch can wrap cleanly compared to the occasional times where there's one that lasts a bit further into the month and gets split up across archives.  And then after that then I'll try to get the next submission form ready to roll.

    So ideally that'll all clear by Saturday-ish depending on approval speed + like uhhhh three other project progress-related things off the top of my head I need to have taken care of by Friday (funny how 100% unrelated things you're coasting along and kind of outside your control get piled into a deadline around the exact same zone)

  • January will be seeing a regular flow of comm stuff as per usual, but starting February I'm aiming to start shaking things up a touch. There's a chance you may've seen on Twitter earlier in the week/end that I've been fussing a bit about working towards more of a long-term growth plan vs raw day-to-day stability-focused in that I want to gradually not specifically have to rely on comms in the future as much since there's not exactly more time every year and I can't exactly get that much faster at stuff or charge obscene amounts to account for things like having to eventually add more bills or my annually rising insurance costs (bleh, they went up almost 15% this year).

    So, I want to take a little bit more time in investing in personal work whether that be more OC stuff, fan stuff / sketches, short projects, etc.  Nothing's actually nailed down but just looking to increase the variety of things that interest more people and such. It's more of a 10-year plan and goal kind of thing so it's not like there'll be a radical upheaval of anything, more just a gradual shift in flow over time, so on the plus side theoretically there'll be fewer droughts of spur-of-the-moment content or stuff including OCs and the like. 


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