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Just a quicky update!

Been a delay in initial plans by a few days of getting the poll up and running; a lot of stuff was happening from many different directions this week so I'm a little behind on all fronts, lol. Partially 'cuz the not-so-intelligent person that is me totally said yes to a short project from an acquaintance of the guys in charge of the project I was on all year plus one other thing to complete before the Holiday season wraps after I'd finally had a normal schedule again in my grasp.

:' D

(I did negotiate down a bit for my own sanity at least but my skill at saying no to things is still lacking but hey incidentally growing professional contact lists, woop)

...Also I might've gone literally insane and of my own crazed volition started doing things along the lines of issuing a pseudo-pitch to the leads via concept art of further ideas related to prior contract project of the year and now really questioning my evidently fleeting sense of self-preservation...

ANYWAYS, despite an expected slight slowdown that should only last the next two weeks, I'll be putting together the poll and such soon after I sleep ('cuz it's almost 6 am) and then that'll run for about 3 days and then I shooould be on track to finish the monthly by just before or a day or two after Christmas, should the schedule hold.

All that said then, Happy Saturday! rofl


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