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Hey guys! Just tryin' to scramble back in forth and try and keep everything movin'. August is gonna be a really funky and oddly paced month so I just wanted to get you guys up to date on what the flow may be like, tho' obviously everything can get tossed around 'cuz of how many things are happening at once. For the most part I try and plan things within a two day zone with buffer but it always depends. There is a fuck ton of stuff to coordinate this month so please read!:


Today 31st /Tomorrow 1st: I'm gunning as hard as I can to get Ghidorah done for y'all before the month rolls over if I can

~1st/2nd: Lines for Lusus/Mobius and Amyth/Maxie

~2nd/3rd: Flats for Eleniel/Keven, Finish Asiri/Artik

~3rd/4th: Finish Amyth/Maxie, Flats for Lusus/Mobius

~4th/5th: Finish Lusus/Mobius, Finish Eleniel/Keven

Before 7th: Finish Ami Bandicoot; I'd like to have this done before at least Ghidorah hits public in general and also be able to offer it in the bundle to go on the July store update.

  • Here's where it'll be tricky and mainly where things are subject to jostling; I've been jumping into an office to handle some support work for a campaign related to much earlier projects on my professional end since last week and going thru the next probably, depends on how fast we can get stuff put together.
  • Related(-ish) to that I've also got some expectation of getting a comic cover done for a publisher probably before the weekend rolls in too.
  • Unrelated but because I have a terrible habit of saying some measure of yes to every other thing in the middle of things (also 'cuz someone pre-assigned acquired an injury), I'll be helping out at an annual local goings-on early tomorrow and Friday (weh, waking up extra early)
  • After that, ideally by the second week of August I'll be relatively free to get the next poll in motion without too much fuss.
  • Howeeeeever, during the month I intend to be addressing a different small subset of comms on the other end of business that I tested sign-ups for at AC, but those were just reservations and I still have to make contacts and see what's all gonna actually take in that timeframe. So short of something funky going down, thing's 'll be quietish post-wise.
  • I aaaaalso by that time may end up with the next batch (4 out of 6) of contract work I'm expecting based on the discussions I've had the last week about how we're handling the latter half of the projects 'til the near end of the year, but that's still a bit in the air until it actually happens so I can't do much predicting there.
  • NEXT TO LAST. Sort of double-header situation in that I'll be preparing for one last nearby-ish convention for the year in September and I'm gonna try and create some new content for that with what time I have left 'cuz I've been semi-stymied from refreshing offerings for the last year so I'd liiiike to end this year's run of cons on a personal high note but that depends on how the combination of all prior things go. I had a second one the weekend after planned initially but I dropped those plans after I got a better idea of what this and the next month'd look like and that's just an energy investment I don't think I can manage.
  • LAST: So, back to content for here, I would very much like to have at least one other thing for you guys past the poll pic 'cuz in general I'm trying to increase non-comm stuff too, but on account of kind of blanking out that far ahead, if you guys wanna drop some ideas you're interested in or remember something that I've mentioned and forgotten to take a shot at, lemme know, 'cuz I feel like it's gonna be super front-loaded and then kind of light and dry for the back-end of August otherwise.

The next comm opening I'm planning for y'all will end up being after things settle in early September but I may have to reduce my avg amount I tend to accept in case of more anticipated chaos and just play it by ear. It's kind of actually been not too dissimilar to the way the last few months have been going in the background but this month seems to be super-special that way.


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