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Just lettin' you guys know there's aboooout one week left to go before the irl project craziness finally cools down a notch and I can transition back to some sort of normalcy for a while again. So I probably won't start the new poll 'til like, Friday-ish. Depends on the pace of things.

Also so you're aware, I've been pondering that in light of my current need to dedicate proper time to professional projects that when I do commission openings, I'm probably gonna plan them more specifically in terms of two-month spans instead of one-month ones. Moreso to allow me to adjust a bit more fluidly to other goings-on and it just might take a bit longer to start on one if I needed to push things into the latter month, or if I need to go light during a period and then go heavier on a different one, for example.

Thanks for your patience with me!


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