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Heyo, just thought I'd chime in with some going-ons. It's gonna be a bit slow into the next week and the monthly pic will probably finish a few days late. I've got a crazy stack of work, (other mixes of ongoing projects and NDA concept stuff, unfortunately none of them paying for now) on top of comms and on-and-off renovation in the house all vying for time. Not even counting the raffle stuff on FA, ahaha. Everything just kinda piled all in at once.

In theory, everything should be more or less back in regular working order by the end of next week but hahaha I'm not gonna guarantee absolutely.

I'm gonna add a Google Poll to see what things you guys want to shoot for for the next month probably Sunday as well, and still hang on to things from the March poll for potential doodles tho it seems like free time's at a bit of a premium lately, lol


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