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Soooo probably thanks to one of those surges of fake Patrons that charged on in and did their thing, I just checked the poll and considering there should only be a max of 14 entries as of later today, theres...


Yeeeah... at least one of those jerks that jumped on and got smashed later was definitely among the scrapers (not that there's... really anything that can be done about that kind of person, I've already had that vent with some people) and a lot of non Patrons threw their weight in.

Looking at the data, there's a HUGE surge around 6:26-6:36 PM MST yesterday that comprised 22 of those responses. 'course that's also the caveat to anon stuff is I can't identify what came from whom. I remember checking before then so the first six up 'til then still check out as far I can recall.

Mmmm what do.


What may happen is going forward within the forms I may have to have a Username section, since the only other way to limit altogether is to force a sign in.

I'm... kind of inclined to call any of them that fell in that ~10 minute period invalid, 'cuz there was also a trend in the entries. Also noticing a set of 3 within 30 secs just before 2 pm MST today. If you know for sure you happened to be one of them, let me know?

This type of thing is highly concerning when I'm trying to be fair about stuff.


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