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(le copy pasta from FA)

Ok I've had to spend the last few days mostly on important but less interesting things since I got back (I actually haven't drawn in a week, waow) but I'm about ready to get things rolling again.

I'll be shooting for Tomorrow, 7/12 @ 12p MT for the approximate opening time and let things stay open for 24 hours, such that I'll likely be picking from the form to refill slots periodically for the next ~3 months. I do intend to return to more of a specific amount of slots format (probably ~5-6) since my availability to schedule things is a bit more rigid nowadays than it used to be, but otherwise most of the rules and guidelines are all the same.

Since it has been a fuckin' hot minute though since the last major opening, I'll reiterate some points of note when you're considering your options, most of the latter section especially will be in the form's TOS, etc. When in doubt, ask questions in advance, no you don't have to fear the DMs, yes it's okay to submit more than one idea/form altogether if you're indecisive or don't feel one's as likely to fly. Options are good, lol.


About Picking Criteria/Assumptions:
- broadly speaking, there's no firmly defined way to find the right button to push that'll make me pick something on a character type or pose basis. So worry less about 'targeting' and focus on the little touches. If you've DM'd me before to workshop an idea or worked with me multiple times, especially in the last year or two, you'll kinda already know these things.

- (!) That said: If you want to catch my attention in forms, sell me more on the [implied or explicit] narrative and the character(s), less the pose. The pose is just a guide to the goal, but character nuance, setting, reason are the elements that make the gears turn. Consider why that setting? What personality quirks drive that little difference in tone to an interaction? Set the table, if you can. Obviously sometimes I just wanna do something nice and simple, but when two things are really close, it's the little things that inspire additional thought that make a difference, even if it's just for a singular composition. Aim for a moment, not for a checkbox (does that phrasing make sense?)

- Just cuz these're top 3 of being pointed my way as an assumption a couple times:
- Size Difference doesn't give a specific +/- (honestly it turns into a - very fast after a ft or two). I'm not a 'make it fit / break anatomy for the sake of the pose' guy. I do sort out the logistics on posing, visibility and 'compatibility' with characters and I'm far more interested in developing compromises and alternatives driven by (see above) character nuance, etc, as opposed to cramming things in or ensuring everything can be seen at all times.

- Dom/sub themes, also doesn't give a specific +/-, it's just a side-effect of character-driven dynamics (no it is in fact not Kyla's entire personality and it can go the opposite way if the combo is right)

- Pregnancy themes, really doesn't give a specific +/-, I actually prefer to lean towards infrequency with it, and it's just periodically fun to draw as something different and largely as (once again) a narrative-driven decision for a composition.

TOS/Content Related Notes:

- I work by the unspoken "portfolio rule", if content such as age or implications requires backing up by a statement, it's pretty much invalid. The submission has to stand under its own weight without obvious types of commentary to defend it such as in places without artist text.

- I'm not really the guy you go to for characters with really exaggerated/over-sized "features" (really, extremes in general); it's not a thing that really pushes a button for me, I'm honestly pretty vanilla on that front. I'm into a character for the character, not really their assets. If I'm still interested in the character despite the fact, I'll otherwise negotiate a happy middle-ground.

- I personally favor anthro much over feral; such feral characters need to be either pretty definitively of the fantastical variety, or clearly distinct from an everyday feral (related to the portfolio rule)

- I personally favor original over fan/IP characters. Obviously I do have my biases within the latter but you're gonna have to put more work in to sell me on picking them if you want to use them.

- I tend not to take interest in super dense detail, alien/unusual body plans, mecha, or bend towards horror, etc. This is truly just a me thing. Seeing in movies is fun, sorting it out in drawing nowadays, not quiiite as much so. Plus I injured my drawing thumb months ago, so I either way I gotta slow down on stuff with dense detail nowadays cuz it hasn't particularly healed, really depends. It's not a dealbreaker, just a schedule consideration.



I do need to get me something from you at some point it's been quite a long time. Glad to see you back at it too.