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So I don't know how many of you remember but a long time ago I promised to work on a comic series called Pokemon Prisoners 2 which features a lot of Pokemon characters in distress. Sadly I lost all motivation to work on it. However after getting a little tired of the Dragalia Lost  content and with a lack of Patreon requests to fulfill I've decided to get back to work on this comic. They'll be a new page or more every month and they will be exclusive to patrons. I really hope you guys are Pokemon fans. :) You can download the newest page in attachements.

To see earlier pages you can find them on my Deviantart page. https://www.deviantart.com/supertailshero/gallery?q=pokemon%20prisoners




Oh neat! I liked the original way back when. Looking forward to more.


I support this because it is a good comic.