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I come on to Patreon and find that like 8 patrons payments have been declined... What is this a glitch!? So odd...



ALL my pledges were declined this month. It's definitely not on my end and if 8 of them have been declined, Patreon has to be messing up somewhere. Retrying doesn't do anything.


o3o Is this because I was actually able to have enough money by the end of the month for once?


Declined payments happen all the time and it usually takes a day or two to fix. What's strange is I have never seen it happen to this many people at once before.


I was charged, so I presume it went though. Did you get mine?

Darth Xelleon

It seems to be a glitch, this is happening all over the place.


Happened to me. I called my bank and there was a fraud alert on all of my payments for patreon.


Twas the banks on my end