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This week we are thrilled to welcome the author and critic Huw Lemmey in celebration of his new novel Unknown Language, written in collaboration with Hildegard of Bingen and out now on Ignota books

We discuss what it is like to channel the dead and write a novel together, Hildegard's visions and genius, constructed languages, and Bad Gays; Huw’s wonderful podcast with the historian Ben Miller.

We could have talked for a few lifetimes :)

Thanks again for the support and have a wonderful week!


Unknown Language out now on Ignota Books


Utopian Drivel, Huw's weekly Substack!


Bad Gays pod!


Huw on Twitter





I'd highly recommend Ch. 5 of Halberstam's "The Queer Art of Failure", literally entitled "Homosexuality and Fascism", for a discussion about masculinism and Nazism. The whole book is about the value of understanding queerness and queer identities beyond simplistic heroic narratives of coming out, etc. Huw Lemmey is certainly correct that we need to come to terms with antiheroic/immoral gay histories in order to confront what my generation likes to call "toxic behavior in the gay community". I hadn't heard of "Bad Gays", but I'm excited to start listening!


Probably a more obscure and brief moment in the podcast - Shape Notes! Thank you for mentioning these, I didn't know of their existence! Made me jump back to when I came across and attempted to teach myself Labanotation (dance notation) which initially was developed to raise dance to the same esteem as music, yet is now obsolete due to it being so complicated / cryptic, yet some of the notation attached to directions of movement can be used and learned rapidly by anyone and applied in play/chance/improv movement practices. I should clarify - the theory around Labanotation is still being taught in Europe and North America (although they hold different values as to how it should/is taught), the notation however, I believe is only taught in one institute in Paris...the CND, Centre National de Dance.