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IT'S THE WEDDING OF ALL WEDDINGS. This episode features Jim the Anvil AND John Cena Sr!




You two just doing Ellie's voice as Stu 😆


I’ve been listening to your archived episodes and recently listened to “The Miz”. I grew up one town over from his hometown and attended his university for my postgraduate degree. Just a few interesting things: his hometown is actually quite a large suburb of 80,000 people in the Cleveland metro area of 2.5 million people. Parma is locally derided as a place that isn’t dangerous or impoverished but certainly has seen better days. It resembles the outskirts of an English city. It’s probably considered lower middle-class. And his university is not actually in the University of Miami in Miami, Florida but rather Miami University in the tiny town of Oxford, Ohio. It’s considered a very good school but is infamous for its generic student body looking like J Crew models, so much so that it is known as “J Crew U”. I do appreciate that the Miz, for all his flaws, remains a proud citizen of northeast Ohio and routinely shows up to support the local sports teams, as does WWE Hall of Famer, Drew Carey, another proud Clevelander. Love the show.