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if you want to see adam cole rassle on one of his mealy mouth legs GIMME A HELL YEAH




With tomorrow being Thanksgiving here in the States I just want to say I'm thankful for this podcast. As messed up as the origin of the holiday is, I do like the idea of expressing what you're thankful for. So......thank you. I'm constantly listening to content from you two and I appreciate all the hard work you both have put in over the years. Hope you both are doing well. ..... and if the Angle Family Thanksgiving episode of TNA Impact gets reviewed.....I wouldn't complain.


I'm sorry to be critical, and I'm sure this won't be read, but I feel the need to comment. Don't even know why really. I would classify myself as a hardcore njpw fan, so I've seen a lot of ospreay. I also was a audience member of progress near the start. So I've followed ospreays career from the start. I've seen the man do, and say some pretty shitty things. Which if you find unforgivable and prohibit you being a fan I think that's totally fair enough. However, I've also seen the man put effort into being a better person. He's taken time to try engage with people on women's rights, trans rights, and he's been open about his own quite severe mental health issues. He's only thirty and I feel has actively made an effort to be a better, more informed person. He's spoken about his mistakes, and how a lot of misdiagnosed and undiagnosed learning difficulties were part of the fuel for those mistakes. I feel like Jo has a fairly critical relationship with a wrestling fans, but for all their wrongs I've always felt there's an unwritten rule as a wrestling fan that you don't wish injury, let alone severe injury on anyone. As someone who has followed ospreay from a young man to an adult I find laughing at the idea of him breaking his neck disgusting. I understand if the growth he's done and what you've seen of him on social media and from scandals makes him scum in you're eyes. But I feel like when you find wishing something as horrible as a broken neck on a man who, whether you enjoy his matches or not, has undeniabley given his body to entertain to the best of his ability, it doesn't comden him, it only shows you to be cruel. It's hard as a life long njpw fan to see someone give their all, and try their best to become a better person to hear someone who's not followed their career closely wish such harm on them. This podcast has lost my respect, and lost my support. If the man you hate so much wish a broken neck on anyone you'd, and I, would be up in arms about the callousness of that comment. However I don't believe Ospreay would be that flippant about someone else's livelihood. Maybe I'm being fooled and he's a misogynistic prick. But in the off chance he's genuinely put the work claims to have put in to growing as a person, is making jokes sbout him getting a severe injury not, at best, tasteless? And even if he hasn't, there's worse wrestlers out there than him, do you wish grevious harm on all of them? Celebrate every injury? When this month ends I'll be cancelling my subscription. I'll keep it until then as I'll be curious if there's any reply or rebuttal to my comments. Sorry again for the whingey message. I hope I don't seem like an ospreay apologist, I understand hes done some awful things that stop fantom or enjoyment, but i feel like there's a lime between dislike and celebrating and wishing for extreme harm.


Hi Ralph we're really sorry, a flippant remark attempted as a joke that didn't mean to land as harshly as it did. We weren't trying to take away from his dedication or him as a person. Just casual watchers of the guy and we just try to make each other laugh and am very sorry to have caused you any upset. Don't wish harm on anyone, we will be more considerate in future ♥️

Ryan Hald

I hope to listen to a Four Horsemen show from you folk. This show is always a good time. I am glad you all bring stories from your lives into the show help us get to know you more. Looking forward to more content.

Ryan Hald

Oh! I do not want to see Flair in AEW either.