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It's a crisis on infinite territories, Jo and Kefin enter the unknown waters of the pool of talent that is.... SUPERCLASH




I’m seeing double! FOUR How2Wrestling pods!?

angelo zanola

I’m just going to assume you knew a marriage can’t survive the sight of Curt Hennig and Scott Hall getting out of the pool in the WrestleRock video.


Barry Darsow being the most Minnesotan Russian of all time was the whole point of the gimmick. His whole thing was that he was an American who defected to the Soviet Union, him being an obvious hypocrite was the whole joke.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I've got a friend in the business and she's absolutely positively dead-set against WWE's product as she insists Vince McMahon has, essentially, been good for WWE and terrible for wrestling as an artform. I always thought she was being hyperbolic, but this podcast is essentially a massive history lesson that proves her right, if what you want from wrestling is a healthy, diverse roster of styles and tones. If you're rooting for one company over another, WWE is perfect. Not just this episode, but every time these two go back to before WWE and watch professional wrestling without the hastily re-written history constantly being shouted at you, it makes one realize how limited the business in America is because of this one company refusing to change or evolve, and surviving despite losing 95% of its audience over 15 years.


If Jo wants something from the 2000s with lots of backstage nonsense, then it has to be all of the hardcore title shenanigans from Wrestlemania X8 doesn't it?


WCW Fall Brawl 2000 nonstop Russo gimmick matches and tons of backstage segments. Features Scott Steiner vs Goldberg which is about as amazing as you would expect.


Something from the 2000s, with shenanigans, and isn't WWE? Sounds like Kefin might want to take Jo on a trip down under 😎💰💰

Ryan Hald

Damn this is a great episode!

Mike Scott

Just outside of the scope but Royal Rumble 99 is one of my favourite PPVs for backstage shenanigans. They even intertwine the whole way through the Rumble match itself