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Don't you open that forbidden door! You're a fool if you dare!



Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Loved this! The thing I only recently realized about why I love watching Kenny Omega so much is: he's the anti-Hogan. Not just because he isn't an appalling bigot, but because he will put ANYONE over if the story is there. And because he's a master of the 2.99999999999 kickout, it makes his every match a thrillride.


Was at the show and it was the best show and crowd I have ever seen live


Kevin Kelly is the king of giving story to a match where you have no idea what's going on.

Ryan Hald

Sounds like a decent card, but 4 hours?! Think I would FF through most matches. I don’t know why I hope you guys don’t like CM Punk. It’s fine if you don’t but I would like him to fuck off. Too bad about Danielson getting hurt in the match! That is a dream match but damn that’s a shame.