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Update time!

Another one of them good news bad news weeks. On the good news side, Eve’s second date is practically done and implemented into the game. The bad news is that “practically” there means implemented with placeholder art cause the art delay is still a thing. With two weeks of dev left before this versions QA deadline, it looks like I may have to hold back one or more of the girls dates due to missing art. I don’t want to delay the version even more at this point. I’ll of course keep you all up to date on the situation as it develops.

On the writing side I’m moving forward with Kats second date. I have it fully mapped out and writing is moving forward at a good pace. I’m hoping to get the writing portion of her date done by next weekend. Wyne has already delivered the background for her date as well. So it’s mostly on myself and Phoenix to deliver the rest.

On the tech side, I managed to extend the way the game handles sound and sound effects which allowed me to rather easily add some dynamic sound effects to the new minigame. It’s nothing too fancy, but (as is the case a lot of the time with audio) it’s something that would have felt missing if it wasn’t there.

That’s it for this week, hopefully next weeks update will be more good news than bad. For now, expected public release date remains around the 20th.

Have a great week!


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