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Update time!

I’m happy to report another productive week. In addition to hitting my writing targets for the date I’m working on (including some fun subtle references), I also got some very helpful feedback from a fellow dev. Not only has Mr. Hands clued me in to some less than clear elements in the games intro, he also gave me some handy tips about UI design. As you can see, the games text boxes now look much better. You can thank Mr. Hands for that by following him, and the game he’s developing, on his twitter.

In art news the background artists are taking a little break while Phoenix finishes up some additional art for the intro. There are only 2-3 more art pieces needed to complete everything I have planned for the first public release.

Next week I plan to finish up both writing and implementing the second girls date. As well as tackle that one very annoying bug that still eludes me. Development is currently on track and on time for the expected end of year release.

And on a personal note to patrons past and present. I know times are rough out there, so this is your periodic reminder that I'm generally financially fine. I appreciate every pledge, but it is okay and understandable to change or cancel your pledge for any reason. We will get through this.

Have a great week!


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