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All the cuties from "Feminized By Babysitter 💕💄":






Christina is beginning her journey. I hope Emma will teach her everything that she needs to know and hopefully her parents will accept her to. I hope so because too many teenagers are thinking about ending their lives 82%. I can’t believe it said high society does not approve and they are very judgmental and it’s very difficult when you’re a teenager and you want to be a girl it’s not like you can just go show up at school be a girl, policies and effect that most schools and if you would try it, you probably will get to spend it or taken into the office and your parents called and you be leaving the school that day because most goals don’t approve this but if you legally change your name and you’ve been on hormones for a while, then they can’t deny you because your name is legally changed and they have to let you go to school as a girl but that is in America. I don’t know about other countries, and these are just my opinions by the way, they’re not the writers they’re mine.

Jessica Maddison

Martha Rose... I just LOVE YOUR COMMENTS... I will read...the THREE STORES... THAT ARE YOURS. today.. and leave you a Comment....