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So it went like this.

Me: "Oh dear partner of mine, please help.  I did not know what a Roper was, so I looked it up on image search with safe search off and now all I can think of to draw this monster is suggestive at best."

Partner: "Just draw it suggestive, who cares?"

Me: "How entirely unhelpful. I will ask my friends instead. Friends!  How do I draw this thing not-horny?"


And then I drew the Roper.

A Roper is a living stalagmite with tentacles.  In this image, the roper is drawing in a purple-haired elf girl by her throat and wrists.  The elf is wearing a gossamer bikini and leather boots and gloves.  Her expression does not match one who is afraid for her life, but more such as someone who might be enjoying the experience.  The roper is smirking, and wiggling one of his appendages suggestively.

Getting a head start on the October Drawing challenge this year.  I'm using this set of prompts.



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