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The Innkeeper’s Rumors


Use the image above to submit a short story of a sexual encounter between the main character and Thicc Kitten (feel free to name him here). This will be an encounter between any of the main characters (there are pictures for Salem, Sabre, Juniper, Drak) and Thicc Kitten so try not to be too specific with your dialogue. This will be a random dungeon event that will be triggered in the dungeons where Deviants roam. 


Rules :

  • Submit a short story (maximum 2,000 words / 12 Arial font)
  • Must join the discord server (Click if you need help connecting to discord)
  • Submission must be a google doc link
  • 1 submission per person
  • No Noncon / Rape. Always give the player the option to ‘skip’ or ‘avoid’ the event if it’s forceful in nature. The skip function can include side effects like getting injured while escaping.
  • All characters must be 18+
  • Dialogue uses the example format (See Below) for who is speaking, how the player name shows, ect…


  • Submit your google doc link to this Discord channel ‘writing-contest-submissions’

Deadline: December 14th, 2021

How is the winner chosen?

  • 3 days after deadline a poll will open to determine winner


  • The winner will receive a UHD copy of the image (can choose between Sabre, Salem, Juniper or Drak) + their story put in game.

Example Format:

Fafnir: Welcome back {G_PlayerName} .

{G_Player}: Hey Fafnir, anything new going on?

The dragon cocks his head in contemplation.

Fafnir: Have you heard about the demon wolves looking to ravage anyone who enters the dungeons?



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