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TLDR: New Update with first animated sex scene, 2 new deviants, a new area, and some new characters!

DL: https://uncommonbreedvn.itch.io/lust  


Hey guys!

Here's the new update ^_^. It's pretty big so I expect to have bugs that deal with the new area for sure. So let me know!


  • Main Story + first animated sex scene. (This won't be the same format for all sex scenes. IE some will have specific characters >:] )
  • Hide button for dialogue box
  • 2 new Deviants: Croc and Racoon. I forgot to change their display names which I'll do next update.
  • New Area: Moaning Woods. This area has multiple zones with different level mobs. Future updates will make these zones more clear.
  • New Mechanic: a combatant with 100 Lust will get hard and rip off their pants  >:]
  • Third dungeon 


  • Added 2 turn cooldown to Awakened Roar to prevent stun locking.


  • All Deviants should correctly learn movement abilities (forward and back) innately.
  • Removed automatically learning Taste of Flesh on all players.

These are the main things. I'll probably continue to edit the post to add what has been added/changed but I wanna get this release out to yall!

Thanks for your patience and support!

<3 u all





Nice work Sabre!